Not enough--
Charming Beauty. Did I really buy that few? or are they languishing in the basement?
Angelique. I bought and planted loads but they are still Not Enough. Also not as double as I would like. Was that a weather thing, or the strain? Great color though.
The viridiflora, purpley ones, white lily flowered ones, and plain pink are are all a splendidly good idea. No duds. Just not enough and not enough pink versus the purple and I WANT MY CHARMING BEAUTY. If I get Chris to turn my new cutting garden area into a raised bed, I should pave that with tulips in the fall.
Of course the weather was tough this year-- several very hot days, 80 plus, so they really shot fast and got all rushed together and we didn't get the best display. My lilacs bloomed mid-April and the allium are getting ready to pop and it's not May 1 until tomorrow. But climate change is not a thing. Let's all be clear about that.
Notes for this year/next: pull all the tulips and replant. Keep up the nice display in the front bed. I could probably do with some pools of them on hemlock hillock. Like the pools in the fence bed near my newly planted (yay!) raspberries. Could do more there really. Would love some more Winston Churchill daffs but I put along the back bed, although we had the usual problem of the choking blanket of mulch. Anyway, daffodils are a different post, although I will put in THAT post, the sundisc ones are DEAR and could definitely be added to the opposite side of the path.
Excited about my peonies blooming, woot.
More Notes for Next Year:
Lurgan's Greenhouse all the way. Huge selection of $2 perennials. Bought blooming forget me nots and those sweet yellow things I put on the wall whose name I forget. Awesome! Fabulous!