Kit Island is burgeoning. It was planted last summer and the catmints are huge. I misjudged how big they would get and have some veronica and geranium hanging on under their burgeoning selves. Isn't the baptisia fab? The color is awfully close to the catmint-- could use some contrast in there. Jupiter's Beard wouldn't quite be in bloom yet. The roses will pop soon, of course.
This was taken from the garage door. You can start to see the layers I'm going for-- hoping someday for a birdy, bee-loud 60' x 90' well of wonderfulness. And it is kind of well-like, with the berm and the nursing home behind it. When life hands lemons, etc etc.
Last weekend we finally made it to Chanticleer. It was divine. I don't take good pictures, sorry, but I have a few I must share: The espaliered tricolor beech. Pretty cool, huh?
The parking lot. There was this very cool screening island, Foster Hollies and Unnamed Evergreen underplanted with deutzia. Inspirational.
So the immediate task is the plant the crapemyrtle in the west bed with the stewartia and hollies, and to decide on how I want to arrange my screening situation in the 15' strip on the north side of the lot. Then work out how I am going to pay for all this.